A Guest

Mind and Heart
Twin sisters entwined
One looks for clarity
The other chases love

Strolling down the street
holding hands
Mind is well coiffed
while her sister blows the bangs
from her eyes

They run into Coincidence, a cousin
at the street corner
What are the chances of that?
Coincidence smiles and you see the
space between her front teeth
She exudes a dissonance
Rings on all her fingers

Mind looks quizzical
“Why are you here?”
A remarkable concurrence
Coincidence just smiles her
gap toothed grin

Hand to her throat
Sister Heart whispers
“It might be God’s doing”

Mind refreshes her lipstick
and muses
on this probability

Sister Heart doesn’t care
She’s just happy to have
A new guest
at the dinner table


Diane DiGennaro has pounded keys all of her life.

She wrote stories on her mother’s IBM Selectric typewriter which sat for years on the dining room table in lieu of turkeys.

Truly, the typewriter provided more sustenance than her mother’s hot meals. She wrote for a feminist news quarterly as a teen. Her keystroke has lightened with each successive computer until she feels that the words are flying out on their own.

She has freelanced for PrimeTime Cape Cod, The Burlington Free Press (VT), the national magazines Adoptive Families and New Moon, as well as a plethora of parenting publications.

Diane wonders whether the keyboard will be obsolete before she completes her novel. Maybe she’ll just talk to a screen and it will spit out the tale. She’ll miss those keys, for sure; they’ve unlocked a great many secrets.

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